The African Mining Vision (AMV) was adopted by the First AU Conference of African Ministers responsible for mineral resources development, held in Addis Ababa in October 2008. Its ultimate goal is to use Africa’s mineral resources to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eradicate poverty, and achieve rapid and broad-based socio-economic development.
"It is not about mining; it is about development!".
It essentially seeks to use Africa's natural resources sector to transform the continent's social and economic development
The action plan comprises nine programme clusters of
activities constructed around the key pillars of the vision.
These are:
1. Mineral rents and management;
2. Geological and mining formation systems;
3. Building human and institutional capacities;
4. Artisanal and small scale mining;
5. Mineral sector governance;
6. Research and development;
7. Environmental and social issues;
8. Linkages and diversification
9. Mobilizing mining and infrastructure investment