A number of our current mindsets of wbcsd stand in the way of the transformations necessary to achieve a world in which more than 9 billion people can live well within the confines of the planet. Over the next decade, we must trigger change in a way and at a pace that has hitherto escaped us. We have to accept that radical changes in all parts of society are needed, including business.
“Dixit Peter Bakker President & CEO World Business Council for Sustainable Development”
VISION 2050 means that more than 9 billion people must live well on the planet by 2050. “Live well” means that the dignity and rights of everyone are respected, that basic needs are met and that equal opportunities are offered to all. Living “within the limits of the planet” means that global warming is stabilized at no more than + 1.5 ° C, and that nature is protected, restored and used in a sustainable way. It also means that societies have developed sufficient adaptive capacity to build and maintain resilience in a healthy and regenerative earth system.

The vision and transformation pathways are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets of the Paris Agreement. Each of the nine transformation pathways contains ten action areas for the decade ahead, designed to help companies drive transformative change in their strategies, business operations and impact on society.