The WDC established the System of Warranty (SoW) under the KPCS which extends the effectiveness of the Kimberley Process beyond the export and import of rough diamonds. The “SoW” guidelines should be used by WDC members and all diamond industry stakeholders beyond the minimum requirements and recommendations of the KPCS, based on national laws, practicality and applicability in the country, environment and ecosystem where a particular member operates.

Implementation of the SoW has become required by many international industry bodies including WFDB, IDMA, Responsible Jewelery Council (RJC), as outlined in its code of practice, and CIBJO, World Jewelery Confederation, in its Responsible Sourcing Blue Book. In addition, the implementation of the SoW is a required practice in the responsible trade codes of major diamond and jewelry trade bodies, among which the De Beers Best Practice Principles, the ALROSA Alliance Guidelines on Trade Practices managers and the Responsible Sourcing Protocol for Signet Jewelers diamonds. .